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Dental Exams & Cleanings in Prosper, TX

One of the most important things you can do for your children is to teach them the value of caring for their oral health. That includes regular dental exams and cleanings, along with proper dental hygiene practices at home. Establishing positive habits from a young age will ensure your child enjoys a healthy smile into adulthood and beyond.


When Should You Schedule Your Child’s First Dental Visit?

You should schedule your child’s first dental visit around the first birthday. At that time, Dr. Oh will check for signs of proper development and will work on creating positive associations with our office. The most important part of the visit is for your child to be comfortable with Dr. Oh and his team. A pleasant and comfortable first visit builds trust and helps put your child at ease during future dental visits.


The Importance of Baby Teeth

Healthy baby teeth play an important role in your child’s development. They help your child learn to speak correctly and allow for chewing and biting with ease. Primary teeth maintain the space required for permanent teeth and help guide them to come in the correct position. They also help with the healthy development of the jaws and muscles. If baby teeth go missing prematurely due to cavities or injuries, your child’s long-term oral health may be compromised.


Your Child’s Dental Exam

During your child’s first visit to the dentist, Dr. Oh will introduce all of the fun tools that we use to help keep young smiles healthy. Our team will demonstrate and teach proper brushing techniques and will monitor the progress as your child brushes for us.


Dr. Oh will perform a complete examination and evaluation of your child’s teeth, jaws, and oral tissues. He will lookout for any potential problems that may require follow-up treatment. Depending on your child’s age and unique needs, our team may take digital x-rays of the mouth, which will help us diagnose problems not visible during the dental exam.


What Happens Next?

After the exam, your child will receive a professional dental cleaning and fluoride treatment to keep those tiny chompers clean and healthy. We will discuss your child’s dental health, including any concerns or needed treatments. We may recommend applying sealants to reduce the risk of tooth decay or may need to repair cavities using fillings.


We may recommend pre-orthodontic treatments, if needed, to straighten your child’s teeth or adjust the bite, allowing for easier correction down the road. Most importantly, we will educate your child about the importance of proper oral hygiene practices for a healthy smile.


Quality Dental Care in Prosper, TX

Contact Fun Kids Dentistry to schedule your child’s exam and cleaning. Dr. Oh and his exceptional team look forward to working alongside you to ensure your child enjoys healthy, happy smiles for a lifetime. Call us today!


3620 W. First Street Suite #40

Prosper, TX 75078


(469) 519-9951


(682) 213-4330




Monday 8:00am-5:00pm

Tueday 8:00am-5:00pm

Wednesday 8:00am-5:00pm

Thursday 8:00am-5:00pm

Friday 8:00am-3:00pm

Saturday Closed