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Porcelain and Stainless Steel Dental Crowns in Prosper, TX

Why would you want to save a damaged baby tooth? Even though baby teeth eventually fall out, it's important to realize how essential they are to a child's present and future oral health. If your child has a severely decayed or damaged primary tooth, Dr. Oh may recommend repairing it using a dental crown.


Why Not Just Pull a Tooth Out?

Baby teeth allow kids to chew properly and help them with speech development. They act as natural space holders for the permanent teeth and help guide them into place. Premature loss of baby teeth may interfere with the eruption of permanent teeth. Moreover, the adjacent teeth may shift into the space, potentially causing crooked teeth, a crowded mouth, or problems with the bite, requiring orthodontic treatments down the road.


Does Your Child Need a Dental Crown?

A crown is a type of restoration that surrounds and covers an affected tooth, protecting it from future decay or damage. Dr. Oh may recommend a crown if your child needs nerve treatment (pulpotomy), or if your child experiences trauma resulting in a cracked or fractured tooth. Crowns may also be required if a tooth has developed incorrectly or is malformed, or if there is a large area of decay that cannot be properly restored using a simple filling.


There are two main types of crowns we use at Fun Kids Dentistry: Stainless steel and porcelain. Dr. Oh and his team will help you determine which type of restoration is right for your child.


Stainless Steel Crowns

Dr. Oh will likely recommend a stainless steel crown to protect your child's primary tooth until the permanent tooth is ready to replace it. Stainless steel crowns are prefabricated and come in a variety of shapes and sizes. No molds or impressions are needed. Stainless steel crowns are cost-effective and don't require multiple dental visits to put in place.


Porcelain Crowns

Porcelain crowns are available for use in cases where the decay or trauma occurs in a front tooth, for aesthetic considerations. These white restorations are more costly and may not be suited for all teeth.


How Are Dental Crowns Prepared?

We strive to make each visit comfortable and offer many options, including sedation, to help reduce anxiety. We will start the procedure by numbing the area using a local anesthetic. Dr. Oh will remove any decay, then will prepare the affected tooth to allow the crown to fit on it. If you opt for a stainless steel crown, Dr. Oh will place one that best fits your child's tooth. If, however, your child will receive a porcelain crown, an impression of the area will be taken and sent to a dental lab that will fabricate the restoration.


How to Avoid Needing Crowns on Baby Teeth

You can help your child avoid the need for dental crowns by maintaining healthy teeth through good dental habits. Encourage daily brushing and flossing, and make sure to schedule a dental exam and cleaning twice a year.


Dental Crowns in Prosper, TX

Contact Fun Kids Dentistry to learn more about restoring and preserving damaged teeth using dental crowns. Dr. Oh and his team are committed to offering quality, gentle care using cutting-edge technology and techniques. We look forward to helping your child maintain a healthy smile for years to come. Call us today.


3620 W. First Street Suite #40

Prosper, TX 75078


(469) 519-9951


(682) 213-4330




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