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Dental Sedation
in Prosper, TX

At Fun Kids Dentistry, we understand that dental procedures can be daunting and that many children don't like “going to the dentist." We believe that a dental visit shouldn't be a scary experience, and that is why we have gone to great lengths to ensure that our office is comfortable and inviting. One of the ways we can help make your child's experience more pleasant is the use of dental sedation. Don't allow a fear of the dentist keep your child from getting the needed dental care.


What Is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is a safe and comfortable option that helps relax children with fear of dental procedures. It involves the administration of medication before the dental procedure. Only one type, general anesthesia, renders our young patients completely unconscious. The other forms will relax them, but won’t completely knock them out. Sedation helps ensure your child enjoys a positive, stress-free experience.


When Is Sedation Indicated?

Dr. Oh may recommend sedation for children with high anxiety levels, or those with difficulty sitting still for extended periods. It may also be indicated for patients who are very young and cannot follow directions, those requiring extensive dental treatment, or for patients with special needs. Our goal is to ensure your child has a positive experience and does not develop a fear of going to the dentist.


Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Also known as laughing gas, nitrous oxide is used in dental procedures to reduce anxiety and fear in our patients. Your child will breathe in the gas through a mask and will remain awake and alert throughout the treatment. Nitrous oxide sedation will reduce your child's anxiety, along with any sensation of pain, making it easier to sit still. This mild sedative is highly effective in helping even our most fearful kids relax.


Oral Sedation

Dr. Oh has undergone training and certification to be able to administer oral sedatives. Lengthy or complex procedures, or children with higher levels of anxiety, may require this form of sedation. Dr. Oh will determine the strength of sedation needed based on your child's overall health, the level of fear, and the required dental procedure. Children typically become relaxed and may even drift off into a light sleep, but can be easily awakened.


Hospital Sedation Dentistry

In some cases, a trip to the hospital may be required to complete all of your child's treatment at one time. General anesthesia will allow us to complete complex and lengthy treatment plans, and your child will wake with no memory of the procedures. That will enable us to help even the most fearful or anxious patient enjoy healthy smiles! Dr. Oh will help you determine if hospital sedation dentistry is right for your child.


Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?

Sedation dentistry has been shown to be safe when administered by a qualified and experienced provider. During sedation, we will closely monitor your child's vital signs, including the blood oxygen level, blood pressure, temperature, and heart rate. We are committed to ensuring your child has a safe dental visit and will take every step necessary to ensure this is the case.


Stress-Free Pediatric Dental Care in Prosper, TX

Contact Fun Kids Dentistry to learn more about sedation and how it can help put your child at ease. We strive to ensure that each of our young patients enjoys a safe and positive experience. Dr. Oh and his kid-friendly team look forward to caring for all your child’s dental needs. Call us today!


3620 W. First Street Suite #40

Prosper, TX 75078


(469) 519-9951


(682) 213-4330




Monday 8:00am-5:00pm

Tueday 8:00am-5:00pm

Wednesday 8:00am-5:00pm

Thursday 8:00am-5:00pm

Friday 8:00am-3:00pm

Saturday Closed